
NBOSS CKC GCh/UKC Ch Ourdream's Talk of the Town NS RACEN

(UKC Ch AKC GCh Starcastle Fire Within Me CGC TKN ATT CAA FCAT8 RATS x UKC BIS GCh/CKC GChB/AKC Ch Heelmark Shikari Shoot For The Moon FDj CGN URO3 SX RA SPOT-ON NTD VA)

DOB: May 21, 2022


Bruce is the second puppy from the Valor x Elara litter to earn a Championship. Bruce lives in Toronto with his co-owner Katherine and did not start his show career until he was 10 months old. On his very first day in the ring in mid-March 2023, his first weekend away from home since he left us at 9 weeks, Bruce went into the Sr Puppy class and walked out with Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 3 points! Bruce showed at 2 more shows after that and finished his Championship in April at the Victoria County KC show, under the same judge who finished Scandal on the same day. Bruce continues to show and learn how to be a proper show dog since finishing so quickly.

At his first show as a Champion Bruce was Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes and given the first Award of Merit at the Vizsla Society of Ontario Specialty. He then picked up his first Grand Champion points by going Select Dog at one of the all breed shows the weekend of the specialty at Erie Shores, at just over 12 months of age. He is currently over half way to his Grand Championship already, winning Best of Breed at the last 8 shows he attended.

Bruce continued to earn Grand Champion points at the London Canine Association and the Barrie Kennel and Obedience Club shows, he is now just a handful of points away from his Grand. Watch for Bruce and the rest of our string at the National Specialty in Ancaster on September 9th 2023.

Bruce shone like a star at the Oakville Kennel Club show in Ancaster on September 8th to 10th. He made the cut for breed on Friday at the Limited Sporting Dog show, and went Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at the Canadian National. His big win however was going Best of Opposite Sex at the National Specialty! This was a huge win for him, being only 15 months old and still fairly new to showing, he beat the top Vizsla males in the country for these honours earning 5 Grand Champion points, and leaving him just 1 point shy of his Grand Championship.

In September we attended a local UKC show and all the dogs shared points over the weekend. Bruce was Best of Breed in 3 of the 4 shows and picked up 2 group placements. These wins put him currently in the #3 position on the UKC Top Ten placement list, and finished his UKC Championship, (we attended another UKC show in March, right after Bruce started showing where he earned his first points).

Bruce attended his first sprinter trial with his co-owner in August, and ran 6 more on October 15th/16th. After a few runs where he was being a typical goofy boy he managed to earn his NS title and is on his way to the next already.

Bruce was finally back in the show ring in March 2024 where he earned 2x Select dog finishing his Grand Championship and starting him on the road towards his Bronze.

On May 18/19 2024 we ventured down to Connecticut to the Vizsla Club of Central New England "Wicked Spring Specialties". Bruce was a rockstar and won the very competitive Bred-by exhibitor adult class twice and was 2nd in the class twice. He was also awarded Winners Dog both times under breeder judges, giving him 2x 5 point majors! He now needs just 5 points to finish his American Championship.

We took a road trip June 11th to 17th to attend the UKC Top Ten Invitational and Premier dog show. Bruce was awarded Best of Breed in the Top Ten competition then made the cut in the semi-final round out of about 28 different breeds. Bruce tried out Precision Coursing while there and had 3 qualifying runs giving him the RACEN title, this also qualified him in performance for the Total Dog competition. On the Saturday he was awarded Best of Breed, which completed the requirements for the Total Dog award. That evening after the parade they had a show for all total dog qualifiers and Bruce was given a 2nd place in the Gun Dog group of Total Dogs, a very exciting win.

Bruce travelled to Monroe MI the beginning of July to attend the Ann Arbor Kennel Club show and specialties, where he was second in his impressive Bred-By class 3 times and won the class the last day. Bruce continues to impress people where-ever he goes and has made friends in many places.

Bruce passed his heart and eye clearances while in MI.